The #1 Thing You Need to Have on Your Website

I have gotten a lot of compliments from couples on my websites over the years and in fact many of them said that was the top reason why they got in contact with us, but before you think I am just tooting my own horn here, let me share the totally un-sexy reason they shared as to WHY they loved our website so much; “because it was easy to navigate”.

Yep. Forget all the gorgeous pics or the great copy on the website, the #1 thing that couples appreciate is a website that is easy to navigate, so they can quickly find what they are looking for. It makes sense! But, it is hardly the #1 that most of us are focusing on when we are updating our websites.

So, in addition to making sure that your site is easy to navigate, here are my top tips to making sure your website is ready for all those new potential couples landing on it…

  1. Ensure that what you do is clearly listed right away and easy to find. Absolutely no one wants to spend time clicking around to figure out what you actually do.

  2. Make clear who you serve and where you serve. Many businesses actually don't make it clear where they are located and where they do biz because they assume people know.

  3. Let people know your pricing or if you don't have that listed on your site, at least an idea of pricing or expected budget range. No one wants to guess if they can afford you or be embarrassed to find that they are not a good fit after reaching out.

  4. Have a very clear, easy and quick way to get in contact with you. I believe you need an email address listed on your website in addition to a form to fill out. Many people won't fill out a form or don't yet have enough information to - the last thing you want to do is limit your potential clients.

  5. A call-to-action or button to go to the next best place ( usually how to book you ) on EVERY page of your website. Don’t rely on people to navigate to where they should go next, make it simple and easy for them to get right where you want them to land from where they are.

Want more tips to making sure that your business is ready for new couples to find you? Grab our freebie on how to get ready for engagement season HERE.

Oh, and if you want to get access to our full workshop on how to get more bookings during engagement season; join our membership and get it on-demand at a huge discount of almost $100 off! Not to mention all the other perks like access to all past workshops, biz resources, weekly live coaching, our member directory and so much more.

Questions or just want to send me a DM? I would love to hear from you over at @morganmchilds!


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